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Laminas Web Development Services

Laminas is the latest update of the erstwhile Zend framework that has been deregulated recently by the company. Zend has been a widely popular platform used for e-commerce shopping carts and a wide range of features common to business websites. Zend has also been popular for creating APIs that are used for business website tools.

Laminas Web Development Services
What We Do

A Laminas Web Development Company That Helps Your Brand Gain Momentum

We Help You Win

We at CMARIX, have proven expertise in Zend development and have implemented the framework for a multitude of web projects. Now that the framework has been transformed into Laminas, our developers have adopted the latest protocols, tools, and features of the new Laminas framework. With our Laminas expertise, we help businesses to quickly adopt this new framework in place of Zend.

Laminas has appeared as the latest avatar of Zend Framework which has been hugely popular across websites of leading organizations. It has been a key framework supporting a multitude of solutions required by online businesses and enterprise websites across niches.

By using the power of new and improved Laminas we help erstwhile Zend based web platforms and e-commerce stores to achieve higher performance, enhanced user experience and more sophisticated output. At CMARIX, we use the power of Laminas and its key value additions to add more value to the user experience of Zend websites used by businesses earlier.


We Provide

Laminas Development Services

Next-Gen Laminas Development Company Beside Professional Excellence

Laminas Consulting

Laminas Migration

Custom Laminas e-commerce development

Custom Laminas Web Development

Laminas Extension and Plugin Development

Laminas Support and Maintenance

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What We Offer

Laminas Development Services To Turn Your Old Zend Web Apps Into New Innovative Solutions

At CMARIX, we believe in driving innovation through new technologies and evolving development paradigms. The all-new Laminas framework which is a more value-driven version of the Zend has given us immense opportunities to turn old e-commerce and business apps and websites into winning solutions.

Laminas came with a brand new version of middleware tools ensuring more flexibility, performance boost, and optimum customer experience. As the leading Zend e-commerce and web development company we grab this opportunity to deliver a more customer-centric niche experience thanks to the Laminas framework. Do you want to make the best of the new Laminas framework for your enterprise web platform? You just arrived at the right place.

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